Wednesday, May 5, 2010

As I post these Bible verses...

As I post these Bible verses, and enjoy searching for a picture to go with it, and think of how His Word has not only changed my life but actually given me life, and how He has been the only source of light I've ever known, I look back and think on the people I've come across in my lifetime who were raised Christian and then fell away later, some becoming atheists, some just lukewarm and complacent, some in rebellion, doing things simply because they were always taught not to. I know their reasons because it has always been an interesting topic for me. I was never taught these things. I became a Christian in 1987 at the age of 17, my mom told me about Christ one day, because her friend had just witnessed to her. I've been clinging to Him for dear life ever since, making every mistake possible but in His care all the same, always learning, always growing. The only form of instruction I ever received aside from normal education in school was a class called Guidance in the 2nd grade. I was fascinated at the things they were telling us: how to respect yourself, how to interact with others, and other basic good moral things for kids but it wasn't Biblical. I loved that class and was sad when they stopped having it. My parents never talked like that at home, so this "guidance" class was feeding me something I had no idea I was even hungry for. When I received Christ at 17 and began to read the Bible, I began to get fed once more, and I have not stopped eating from His table since. I wonder sometimes if I would have appreciated it as much if I would have been brought up reading the Bible, like some of those people I mentioned were. God in His wisdom allows us to come up through circumstances that are perfect for us, even though we don't understand it till later, if ever. The things we endure as kids, the things not given us that should have been, the abuse, great or small, or even the spoiling, all of these things mess us up a little and create voids inside of us that we grow up and try to fill with everything under the sun except Christ. And then when we find Him, maybe for the first time, or return to Him after a lengthy haitus, and allow Him back in, our voids are filled and we are made whole. I don't question my upbringing anymore. I know it was the perfect garden, the perfect mix of ingredients, good and bad, that set the stage for my life to come and prepared me for my journey. It's as if God packed my bags. My suitcases for my life's journey were packed by His hand, and it's up to me to unload it all, step by step. I mean, allowed by His hand. I feel this is the case with all of us. The very things that you were deprived of are the very things that will bring you to Him. The pains, the mistreatment, the neglect, whatever you endured, these are there for a reason and it's up to you how the rest of your life is going to play out. I believe that we all should be opportunists and turn the tables on life. Take your pains and learn tremendously from them. I wrote about mine, but that's not helpful for everyone. Some need counseling. But we all need Jesus. That's the one thing we all have in common. And His Word is our food, for all of us. Once you start eating it, you will be filled and satisfied with real wisdom and real knowledge.

Proverbs 4:6-7 "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding."