Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I dreamed of rainbow-colored ufo's.

I had a strange night last night. I was awake early in the morning, and God revealed some things to me in prayer, He gave me some answers that I didn't even know I had questions to. Then I fell back asleep and had some troubling, eerie dreams. In one of them, I was at some place, and there were people sitting outside talking, and I went outside to join them, but as I did, I heard a sound above me in the air, and I looked up and saw a fleet of rainbow-colored ufo's, they were oval in shape and appeared "beautiful", I could not take my eyes off of them, yet I knew they were demonic. I watched as these things flew in and began to circle directly above, slowly going around and around us in the sky, and there was a low humming sound. I thought, "deception is all around. Surrounded by deception."

They hovered for a moment, then left, and I walked over to where the other people were sitting and asked them if they saw what I just saw, and they did. There were a few other elements in this dream, such as a big black crow devouring another crow, and a big fat locust eating another locust. I thought, "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand."

But back to the rainbow ufo's. The appearance was liquid rainbow. I was mesmerized at the sight. I don't think I've ever even mentioned my stance on ufo's before in a blog. I've been writing for 3 years now? I think. And it's never come up until now. Guess now is a good time.

Satan comes in all shapes and sizes. He appears as an Angel of Light. He and his troops can "shape-shift" (for lack of better terms). I firmly believe that ufo's are demonic and are a deceptive illusion. I believe that to look upon a "ufo" is to look upon a demon. Personally I don't get into all those websites that show those pictures, nor do I look at any "paranormal" site. I have encountered enough demonic activity in my real life, why would I want to be entertained by photos of them? I don't want those images in my mind. It's not healthy.

There are lots of good articles about the connection between ufo's and the demonic realm. I won't even try to get into all that here. I just thought I should mention this today. Don't be tricked into thinking we're being visited by beings who are going to either bring all sorts of amazing enlightment our way/abduct us/bomb us/whatever it is that alien fans think. They are demons. And according to my dream, they can be fascinating and even beautiful. Don't be suckered into all that. Learn, live, and love Truth. It puts everything in the right order in your head.