Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The things we do when we first catch fire...

For some odd reason I was thinking on this memory today, it just popped into my head and I busted out laughing. In '99 I was dating a guy who I had been "working on" to come to Jesus, and he finally did, but he kept it private and didn't tell me until weeks later, and when he finally confessed to me that he finally accepted Christ, I freaked out, and was like, What! Are you serious! Why didn't you tell me!! ...and he mumbled something to the effect of, pride... and all that guy stuff. I was mad because he was such a total case on every level that I knew it was going to be a huge spiritual battle, and I wanted to pray with him and everything, but no, he kept it a secret and then of course I was right, and all kinds of bad things started happening, and I told him, THAT'S WHY YOU NEED OTHER CHRISTIANS involved when you get saved! You need people praying with you and for you, especially YOU!! Finally he cracked and let me in and we sort of made a mess of things together, for God. But the thing that made me crack up about this memory is what he did to "make up for" hiding it from me. When he came over that weekend, on the back of his Blazer was written in HUGE letters in shoe polish on the back window, WWJD? The biggest letters he could do. It was hillarious and I was like, you're driving around like that? And he goes "Yeah! According to you it's not supposed to be a secret!" So I paid the price and endured the stares from strangers on the highway and even a scowl or two from my dad, who barely spoke to him to begin with. This memory makes me smile. He plum caught fire. The Bible mentions that it's an honor to be a "fool for Christ". And it really is. What people don't realize is that we're already fools to begin with. I am convinced that to be human is to be a fool. Whatever (real) wisdom we gain is His and from Him. We are vessels that are just waiting to be filled by Him.