Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"this one thing"

Something my mother told me one time, I think she had learned it at her Bible study class. When you are feeling convicted, or low, or wrong, or bad, or any other negative feeling one can feel about yourself, here's how to tell the difference as to whether it's coming from Satan or the Holy Spirit. Satan is the accuser, and he casts a dark net over you and tells you that you are nothing, you are worthless, you are bad, you are wrong, a loser, etc.etc...
But when the Holy Spirit brings conviction your way, it's to point out "this one thing", so that your eyes may be opened and that you can stop "this one thing", and move on. Loving correction, like what comes from a good dad. That's how to tell the difference. If you are walking around feeling like a complete loser and you just want to end it all, that's not of God. Shake off Satan and claim the Blood of Christ over you. Pray for a hedge of protection. Get covered, so that you can get clean.
As long as you are walking with God, His holy voice of conviction will never be too far away from you. It's a way of life. If you just get used to it, and ask for it, welcome it, let Him in and let Him instruct you, you'll end up mighty fine, like a perfectly pruned tree. Who knows what kind of pain that poor tree had to endure, what with all the lopper-action and all. But the end result is beautiful. Go ahead. Make friends with God's loppers. Get some pruning action done on you. If you don't, and you grow all wild and wooly and without correction or restraint, you will be in danger of something much worse than the pruning loppers: The Axe. Don't make me go into a whole thing on that. Please.