Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So what if it's not Christmas.

I love her voice. Sometimes I wonder what her career would have been like if she would have given her talent to God. Think of how much awesome Christian music we'd have to choose from today if all the musicians would have given their talent back to God. It's His to begin with you know. Think if Robert Plant would have sang about God. Think if Eddie Van Halen would have

Think if


Maybe that's not such a good line of thinking. But what if it is? What if all the musicians out there are SUPPOSED to be, in God's perfect plan, playing their musical hearts out for God? What if? I bet there would be less competetion and lust for fame, because it's sort of hard to keep pointing to yourself and to God at the same time.

Anyway I still love Joan Jett and Oh! That's what I wanted to say! About this song. It's seared into my mind for life because when I was in the first grade, a third grade boy was hit by a car and he died, after school, right out front, when he chased a ball into the street. His favorite song was Little Drummer Boy, and for every year until he should have graduated, my school performed that song in his honor at the yearly Christmas recital, that's where each grade got up and sang a handful of Christmas songs that were carefully taught to us by our music teacher. Every third grade class sang it each year until he would have left the 7th grade and gone on to junior high. And it was really a special thing, the lights would go dim and they chose one third grade boy to dress up as the Little Drummer Boy, and slowly walk down the aisle of the church and play his drum as we all sang it at the front. Everyone sniffled and shed some tears (mostly the parents.) So, to this day I get chills when I hear this song.